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Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio to speak on keeping faith

Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio

Published: January 6, 2014

AKRON––On Friday, Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio will speak at the annual meeting of the First Friday Club on “Keeping Faith Throughout the Trials of Life.” The luncheon meeting will take place at Quaker Station at The University of Akron, 135 S. Broadway St. in Akron. Doors open at 11:15 a.m. and the program begins at noon and ends promptly at 1 p.m..

In the decade since assuming the Summit County Juvenile Court bench, Teodosio has received local, statewide and national recognition for her innovative programming and progressive approach to juvenile dispositions and rehabilitation.

Among the unique programs she has introduced at the Summit County Juvenile Court are the Crossroads Program, a specialized docket for youth with co-occurring mental illness and/or substance dependence, the Family Resource Center which provides case management services that link youth and families to services in the community and New Paths Probation for youth with developmental delays.

The court actively participates in the Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) and the Crossover Youth Practice Model developed by Georgetown University.

The common thread woven through the development and implementation of these programs is Judge Teodosio’s penchant for bringing community collaborators to the table to help shape and implement programs that focus on the particular strengths and needs of children and families through the use of evidence-based and promising practices.

Her efforts have led to several appointments to statewide and national panels, committees, commissions and task forces. Among them is a fellowship in the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute’s Center for Juvenile Justice Reform.

The MacArthur Foundation also appointed her to the Collaborative for Change Steering Committee earlier this year. She was member of Columbia University’s National Advisory Commission on Substance Abuse at America’s High Schools. She serves on the Coalition for Juvenile Justice’s Project SOS Judges Leadership Group.

Statewide and locally, Judge Teodosio has been honored by both the Ohio Juvenile Court Judges and Magistrate’s Associations with their Judicial and Distinguished Services Awards, respectively. She was named Ohio’s Public Official of the Year by the state’s chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and she was named an Outstanding Alumna of the University of Akron’s School of Law.

In late 2012, Judge Teodosio received the prestigious Award for Innovation from the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation. In 2010, she received the MacArthur Foundation’s “Champion for Change” Award for her work in the Models for Change Mental Health Juvenile Justice Action Network.

Judge Teodosio is married to Judge Thomas Teodosio of the Summit County Common Pleas Court. Their son Christopher is a practicing attorney. They remember their late daughter through the Andrea Rose Teodosio Foundation.

The First Friday Club of Greater Akron is a Catholic organization whose purpose is to bring the best Catholic thinkers, teachers and leaders into Akron on a monthly basis to promote a better understanding of the significant issues impacting church, family, work and community life.

The luncheon series is in its 14th year and consistently draws an average of 150 to 200 people from Summit County and surrounding counties. It is also intended to be a community service; all interested in the topics are invited to attend.

The cost of the luncheon is $15. Prepaid reservations can be made by sending a check to the First Friday Club of Greater Akron, 795 Russell Ave., Akron, Ohio 44307. For additional information call 330-535-7668 or visit www.firstfridayclubofgreaterakron.org.
